Now that the kids are headed back to school, our thoughts turn ahead to ... PUMPKIN SPICE!! No?? Tailgates & football games? Okay, I know it's a little tough to get in the mood for pumpkin pie & spiced cider when this week is looking like one of the hottest weeks of the summer (yay!), along with horrible humidity (boo!). Well, we're here to help you jump start your autumn!
This Friday is August 31st ~ just 2 months to Halloween. So we're having a little Flash Sale (or "glow in the jack o' lantern sale..."). On Friday, all Halloween stitching is 20% off! AND, because I am an admitted Pumpkin Spice addict (no 12 steps please, I'm happy in my addiction!), I'm widening the picture to encompass anything pumpkin! So, if it says "Halloween or Pumpkin" to you, it's 20% off...but ONLY ON FRIDAY!
I have taken some time to cull thru our trick or treat bag & I'm posting here a few of our choices to help get you going (no yip yap ~ just pictures), but as always, remember there are lots more treats out there ~ both in the shop & online ~ so think outside the punkinhead!

Halloween Hijinx - from CM Designs.
I Ain't Afraid of No Ghosts - from Val's Stuff.

Scary Berry ~ silk gauze - from Erica Michaels.
Scary Berry ~ linen (chart only - from Erica Michaels.
Witch Hat Pincushion - from Mani di Donna.

Happy Halloween Moon - from Stoney Creek.
Magic in the Night - from Stoney Creek.

Black Cats - from Stoney Creek.
Live Laugh Boo - from Stoney Creek.

The Cat & the Moon - from With Thy Needle & Thread.
Spooky Night - from Scissor Tail.

Haunted Mansion, Pt 1~2~3 - from Tiny Modernist.

Bird in the Hand: Autumn - from Heart in Hand.
Bird in the Hand: Halloween - from Heart in Hand.

Hocus Pocus Halloween - from Heart in Hand.
Bittersweet & Broomsticks - from With Thy Needle.

Gang's All Here - from Val's Stuff.
Come in for a Bite - from Val's Stuff.

Adams Family - from Plum Street.
Which Witch - from La D Da.

Halloween Greetings - from Teresa Kogut.
Happy Owl-O-Ween - from Scissor Tail.

Spooktacular Halloween Garden Labyrinth - from CM Designs.
ABC Halloween - from Jardin Prive.

Halloween - from Renato Parolin.

Toil & Trouble - from Stacy Nash.
Halloween Sampler - from Bobbie G.

Great Cheshire Pumpkin - from Tempting Tangles.
Mr Bones Starlight Ballroom - from Praiseworthy Stitches.

Halloween March - from Teresa Kogut.
Halloween in Quilt - from Cuore e Batticuore.

Halloween Sampler - from Jeannette Douglas.
Black Cats & Pumpkins - from Little Dove.

Witching Hour Cube - from Just Nan.
Hazel FunWitch - from Just Nan.

Hocus Pocus, Oops - from Blackberry Lane.
Hocus Pocus, Good Kitty - from Blackberry Lane.

Non e Halloween Senza Zucche - from Cuore e Batticuore.

Wicked Witch & Grumpy Old Toad - from Waxing Moon.
Wicked Stitches - from Waxing Moon.

Sei Personaggi in cerca Halloween (6 folks in search of Halloween) - from Cuore e Batticuore.
Scary Lights - from Mani di Donna.

Halloween Sampler - from Sara Guermani.
Witch, Crow & Pumpkin - from Barbara Ana.

Halloween Quaker - from Lila's Studio.
Halloween Sampler - from Cottage Garden.

Tis Near Halloween - from Samplers NotForgotten.
Moon Laughs - from Barbara Ana.

The fun continues with PUMPKINS!!! Again, there are lots more designs with pumpkins in them, but I'll get you headed in the right direction!

Happy Harvest Scarecrow - from Imaginating.
Harvest on Dahlia Ridge - from Heart in Hand.

Welcome Autumn - from Drawn Thread.

Cinnamon Stars - from Plum Street.
Ye Old Crow Sampler - from Heart in Hand.

Autumn in Baltimore - from With Thy Needle & Thread.
Babushka's Blossoms - from Plum Street.

Pumpkin Spice Season - from Mani di Donna.
Seasons ~ Autumn - from Lila's Studio.

Birthday Tart - from Plum Street.
Bonnie's Bittersweet - from Scarlett House.

Pumpkin Farm - from Thistles.
Autumn ABC's - from Little House.

Penny Pumpkin - from Scarlett House.

But wait! It's not JUST about designs! Think outside the pumpkin (remember?).

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Hopefully I've cranked up your pumpkin spice meter!
Again, 2 reminders:
* Don't be limited by what I have here ~ troll around the website & see what you can find!
* This sale is ONE DAY ONLY ~ just like Halloween! So don't worry if your costume isn't ready...just grab your trick or treat bag & get to it!
Hugs & stitches ~
Beth & all the Spice Girls at TSS