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Utah Organizers Push For People Of Color To Vote In The November ...

If you are like me & find it hard to imagine being unable to vote, simply because you are a woman, just watch the news some night ~ there are regular reports from countries where women have never had the right to vote, or worse, they have lost the right to vote (thanks to fanatics dragging their country back to the dark ages).  Many of these same countries forbid girls from attending school as well.  And while voting is an absolute MUST, education is even more vital, not just to young girls, but to all women.  With better education women are able to find ways to support themselves & their families, and with education comes self-confidence & awareness of the larger world, so that they may be able to extricate themselves from abuse. 

So do not take this right for granted.  Again, I'm sorry to say, even in our country we are seeing factions of leadership attempting to take back rights that women have fought long & hard for.  And if you think they won't come after your right to vote, then you're not paying close enough attention.


Americana Mamas I: Lady Columbia - from Hearstring Samplery.  Lady Columbia, while now largely forgotten & overshadowed by Lady Liberty, was the first female symbol of America.  With her sword & shield she was a symbol of the Revolution.

Americana Mamas II: Lady Liberty - from Heartstring Samplery. This Lady we are all familiar with! 



Sister Suffragette - from Summer House Stitche Workes.  VOTE VOTE VOTE!  Therese just finished one of the American "Vote" medallions for a friend & stitcher in western PA.  Instead of making it into a pin, they decided to attach it to a ribbon so that Diane could wear it around her neck as she worked the polls for our state primary.  She will be proudly wearing it again this November.

Suffrage Act Proclaimed - from Little House.  These women fought long & hard (in long dresses no less!) to ensure our right to vote!  We owe it to them to never let their struggle be in vain.



Thanks to the Brave - from Erica Michaels.  This has been a long-standing best-seller here at TSS.  One of the things we love most about this is that Linda donates a portion of the proceeds to "Train a Dog, Save a Warrior" program. That just makes it all the better!

Free & Brave - from Drawn Thread.  Another long-time favorite at the shop, this one is just lovely!



Flag Flock & Sheep Keep - from Plum Street.  LOVE LOVE LOVE!  I really can't decide which one I like best ~ there's so much to see (& stitch!) in the larger picture, but then again, the DOGS......!!!!!




Hello America - from Teresa Kogut.  HOLY SMOKES!!  Another BIG book from Teresa, jam-packed with amazing Americana designs!  There are 7 designs included in this book, so before you balk at the $30 price tag, do the math: that's less than $5.oo per chart.  There are large ones (like the 2 samplers above), and there are smaller ones.  Each one is fantastic!  Be sure to snag one of these for your patriotic stitching!







American Sampler - from Primrose Cottage.  This is just darling!  From the house, to the bluebirds to the flag ~ it really is wonderful.

Sweet Land of Liberty - from Primrose Cottage.  A sweet little pillow, just right for your holiday decor.  But let's be honest, there's no need to ever put your patriotic stitching away.

July 4, 1776 House - from Primrose Cottage.  A lovely little pinpillow for your stitching basket!



USA Star Ornament - from Teresa Kogut.  Small, quick & oh so nice!

Patriotic Tweet - from Teresa Kogut.  Oooooohhhh, I love that redware basket!!! 



Red, White & Blue Quilt - from Primrose Cottage.  Love this pinpillow, based on a quilt pattern & stitched in red, white & blue.



Liberty Pennies - from Hands On.  This is a fun design & lovely as well.  And if you've ever sewn wool penny appliques, then you'll recognize them in this chart!

Patriotic Tiny Town - from Heart in Hand.  Oh, yes please!  We are so in love with these tiny town designs & this one is just right, right now!  The only question is how will you finish it?



There is Liberty -from Plum Street.  Oh my goodness, I want to move into this town.  But I guess I'll just have to settle for stitching it.

We Remember - from Plum Street.  Yes, we do remember, and that is important.  Because July 4th was just the beginning of a brutal time.  And while we celebrate our victory, we also remember that it did not come without a high cost.  So while we wave our flags & go to parades & watch the fireworks, take a moment to remember how we got here.  And remember we don't want to go back. 



Welcome Summer - from Drawn Thread. Yet another perrenial best seller!  What else can I say?


Patriotic Sunflower USA American Flag PNG Clipart Clip Art | Etsy

I hope you enjoy your 4th of July holiday ~ no matter how you celebrate.  Obviously the shop will be closed on Thursday, but if you are in the area, please stop on in on Friday or Saturday! 


A few dates to keep in mind:


That's right, if you have a stocking, pillow, standup, wallhanging...anything that does not go in a frame...the last day to drop that off is AUGUST 1st!  Therese has been keeping close track of the amount of items & the time each takes to ensure that everyone's pieces get finished for Christmas, and y'all have been prodigious stitchers this year.  So get those finger flying, because we WILL NOT be taking in any items for finishing after August 1st.  Anything after that you will have to hold on to until the new year (OMG, I cannot believe I just said "the new year" wrong).


AUGUST 3rd is our next Sidewalk Sale!

That's right, it's time for Kathy M. to find her next 15 projects!  I'd say I'm kidding, but she really cleaned up at the last one ~ I know because I've been framing them!

Anyway!  Make note, Saturday August 3rd will be our Sidewalk Sale.  So start bringing us your designs (or fabric, or kits) that need to be rehomed!  We've already gotten in a full load of magazines ~ kindly sorted & bundled (you are a rock star, Peggy!!). We will sort them by category & on Saturday August 3rd, you can come by, purchase a bag from us & fill it up with as much stuff as you can get in it from our tables!

This time, we have a new feature:  

Our TSS shopping bag! 

We have been selling these in the shop for a few months now (I myself used mine for all my many trips to & from the hospital & rehab when mom was holds a LOT of stuff!) & we decided these would be awesome for the Sidewalk Sale.  So it will be $15.00 for the bag (it usually sells for $5.95) & you can fill it up.  Not only will you find a bunch of things you cannot live without (including that unicorn you've been searching for), but you'll have a reusable shopping bag too!   The bag itself has a front pocket & a flat bottom which makes it great for loading up with any shopping items.  It's not designed to be a project bag, but you can sure fit a lot of projects in it!

In addition to the Sidewalk Sale, Tracy has reached out to several designers, particularly local ones (!), and we hope to have a few trunk shows in the shop around the Sidewalk Sale.  As soon as we have firm commitments we'll let you know what goodies will be here.  Obviously those items will NOT be included in the Sidewalk Sale, but you're still gonna wanna stop by.


Saturday August 31st is the LAST DAY for Christmas framing!

Once again, GOOD GRIEF!  Last year, we set the deadlines early & we got all the Christmas items framed & to their homes before Christmas!  YAY!  We are gonna stay on that track again this year.  I can honestly say that I was doing well this year with getting things in, ordered, framed & out again...until Mom ended up in the hospital.  And that has thrown a ringer in the system (ALL the systems!  You should see my laundry backlog...).  I no longer stay late after the shop closes as I need to get back to her to handle meals, meds & just generally keep an eye on things.  So once again, I thank ALL of you for your patience with us.  I am once again rearranging my systems to make better use of my time.

All that being said, I had hoped to ease the framing deadline a little LATER this year, but I am not going to.  If I find that things are evening out & I can take in more goodies, I will be sure to let you know.  But for now, plan on getting us your framing by Labor Day weekend.


November 5th is Election Day!


Being that it is a Tuesday, the shop will be closed.  However, if you go out & vote & then stop by with your "I Voted" sticker, there will be a reward!

I am not going to tell you how to vote ~ that's one of the great things about our one can tell you how to vote.  Just be sure that you DO vote. 

We each have our own agendas, our own priorities & our own beliefs.  Our country was founded to ensure that ALL beliefs, as long as they do no harm to others, are welcome.  We are not a nation of 1 faith ~ our ancestors came & fought so that anyone could come here & be a citizen, regardless of who, or if, they worshipped.  At that time, that was a radical concept.  We must protect it.  Because as firm as my faith is, I also know that it is not my place to force my beliefs on others.  IE, if you have to tell me you're a good're not.

  I do wish there was a required Civics test for ANYONE wishing to run for ANY office.  Far too many people either don't know or don't remember how our government was constructed to work.  I myself, thanks to many moves during 1st-12th grade, completely missed taking American History.  In WV it was taught in 9th grade, but I left after 8th.  In Delaware, where we moved to (again) it was taught in 8th grade.  I believe I took 1 semester of Civics in high school somewhere along the way.  So I know it happens!  But honestly, I think anyone holding public office should be able to tell you the 3 branches of government (among other things).  And would it kill them to have a little decorum?  I get it, I'm getting older & have less patience for rudeness ("you kids get off my lawn!!"), but I cannot abide the nastiness that grabs attention for so many.

Okay!  Off my soapbox.  Bottom line, be kind, go vote, support each other, build a longer table.



Happy Independence Day!


Hugs & stitches ~

Beth & all the sparklers at TSS