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We have everything a stitcher's heart . . . and hand . . . desires.


I know I've been talking about our upcoming Sidewalk Sale lately (it's Saturday, August 3rd), but in addition, we have 3 (!) Trunk Shows in the shop as well!

Now, I pulled that clip art up there because I have come to realize that not everyone knows what I mean when I say "Trunk Show"!

So a quick explanation is warranted.  We get a large number of stitched models from a designer, for a specific length of time to hang in the shop.  Obviously we also have the charts to go with them so that you can snap up those designs once you fall in love with the work on display!  Basically a trunk show is a wonderful means of seeing LOTS of stitched pieces from a particular designer, all at one time.  It's a little bit like going to Market, in that you get to see so much from a particular designer.  Because we couldn't possibly stitch everything from everyone (but oh how we try....), this is an opportunity for y'all to see many more pieces than we have in the shop.


So, on Saturday, Lila from Lila's Studio came to the shop & brought us so many beautiful pieces that Tracy & I could barely wait for 3 o'clock to dig in to them!  We also got to spend some time talking with Lila (although not nearly as much as we would have liked.  We did find out she is a fan of those TEENY TINY know, 40ct, 45ct, 52ct...). 

Even better, she is coming back to the shop on


FRIDAY AUGUST 2nd, from 2 o'clock on.


So make plans to stop in & welcome her & chat with her & look at all the gorgeous stitched pieces she brought!


Below are some shots of all the models she brought.  I will be posting individual shots int he next day or so as well!

One of the fun things is to see some of her models compared to the same designs that we have in the shop, but stitched on different fabrics, finished differently & more.  So check those too when you stop in.









We will also have a big collection of models from Kathy Barrick!  We are eagerly awaiting the UPS man with that shipment & are trying to figure out the best place to hang them. 


Not only that, we have 20 yards of fabric from Grace Notes Fabrics that will be here!  Corrine does a beautiful job of dying fabrics & we are just drooling over what we got.  We have fabrics ranging fromm 14ct to 36ct (sorry Lila, no 40ct or 45ct this time!!).  And if you see a color you like, but you want a different count, we'll be happy to order it for you. 



We were putting this together kind of at the last minute, with no expectations at all, and so we are overjoyed to have so many lovely things at once.



Now, while Lila will only be in the shop on Friday afternoon, our Trunk Shows will be in the shop for a few weeks!  So if you can't make it in this week, DON'T WORRY!  You'll still get a chance to come in & find some treasures that you hadn't anticipated!


And if you are in the area earlier this week, feel free to stop by.  As always, if the lights are on, then we are here & you're welcome to knock on the door.  We'll be happy to see you.  Just keep in mind that we are gearing up for the Sidewalk Sale this weekend as well & we have stuff spread out here & there to get that all organized.


Be on the lookout for another Trunk Show newsletter when Kathy's goodies arrive this week!  And I promise some more close up, individual shots of everything.


Hugs & stitches ~

Beth & all the unpackers at TSS